Tuesday 10 September 2013

Yummy scrummy sourdough bread

I'm continuing to love my attempts to perfect my bread using my sourdough starter.  After trying lots of different recipes now for the bread itself (because results were varying) I decided that in the end I needed to find a ratio that worked everytime for my particular sourdough and environmental situation.

For me, using my 100% hydration sourdough (ie equal quantities of flour and water) the ratio working best for me is:

200gms starter
450gms flour
150gms water
10gms sugar
10gms salt

Kneed the lazy way using the kitchen aid dough hook till it's very very elastic, oil the bowl, pop it back in, cover with cling film to prove until at least double, then I don't actually knock it back as such, I sort of pour gently onto the tray I will cook it on (using baking paper as the base) then cover and let it prove again.

I bake it hot, 230deg c with a tray of water in the bottom of the oven.  This gives a lovely bubbly crust. I turn it onto it's top for the last 10 minutes so that the base and top are lovely and brown and then viola, 40 mins of cooking time (or there abouts) and for me bread perfection.

I've read recipe after recipe and blog after blog on the this's and thats of sourdough and different techniques, quantities.  I really do think if you're after a certain result as I was (an open crumb, slightly chewy and springy, lovely taste not too sour, good balance of sweet sour salt) then it's really best to play around and get what works for your own home environment and starter.

I've done this one several times now, all perfect.

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