Saturday 28 September 2013

Roast chicken taken to new heights

The humble chick, but how glorious it can taste given a little care.

We get these gorgeous little french poussin here which have the lovely dry yellow skin of a proper bird not the wet slimy plumped up flesh you get these days in supermarkets.  One poussin is perfect for two.

I took the breasts, legs and wings off this little bird, boned out the thigh, french trimming the shin and cutting off the knuckle, same with the wing, took off the wing tip and boned it out, trimming the end to create 2 breasts (skin on of course), 2 legs and 2 wings french trimmed.

I popped a little butter under the skin of the breasts and sprinkled with salt.  I wrapped tightly in cling firm (together) so that the skin was outermost and tied off the ends.  I popped a little butter in each leg cavity and wrapped each tightly separately and tied each end off, wrapped the little wings together in the same manor.  I popped these in the fridge overnight.

I then made a stock with the bones of the birds and nothing else, no wine no anything.  I let this sit overnight in the fridge with the bones still in the stock.

The next day I skimmed the fat off the stock (keeping the bones in) then heated it to below simmer and put the chicken parcels in.  I poached the legs and breasts for 10 mins, the wings for 5 then took them out, strained the stock and reduced it.  It was clean chicken tasting and sweet, needing only a mere hint of salt.  Nectar.

When cool I unwrapped the chicken parcels and browned them off in a pan, I had poached some leek in chicken stock and made a couple of little pea & tarragon jellies.  I had also crisp cooked some parsnip and carrot strips.  I had also caramalised some onion for sharp sweetness.

So simply cutting the double breast in half and serving a leg and wing each, a pea jelly on each plate, the leak, the caramalised onion, the crispy parsnip and carrot and the reduced stock.  This was gobsmackingly delicious.  Chicken essence in every mouthful.  Elegant and can easily be preprepared for a dinner party.  Yum.

Chicken, pea tarragon jelly, chicken jus, crispy parsnip and carrot.  

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