Saturday 7 September 2013

Egg yolk ravioli, broad beans, parmesan and dill

Egg yolk ravioli are easy.  I use a little dish and sit the pasta sheet on top, I put the egg yolk into a small cup so that it cannot catch and break when I'm tipping it into the pasta, then dab with water, put the pasta sheet on top, press and cut and carefully handle.  You can refridgerate these for several hours so they really are easy.  As with the mozzerella you need to season before the top pasta sheet goes on to it.  Just think about how much salt you usually put on an egg.  That has to go inside otherwise it's just not going to be as sharp as it should.    I cook directly from the fridge, just for a minute or until the pasta is just cooked.  The yolk will be runny and delicious.  Yummy.  I could eat this any time.

Egg yolk ravioli with parmesan broad beans and dill.  Sauce is not needed because of all the runny goodness of the yolk.

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