Wednesday 18 September 2013

Lamb with pistachios and peppercorns

I have done this Greg Malouf dish from his book "New Middle Eastern Food Malouf" previously and to recipe.  I found the white peppercorn component simply too strong and completely dominated the dish.  This time I reduced the white pepper, adding some black (which in my opinion has a softer flavor) and coriander seed.

The recipe (as I had followed the previous time I made this) was using Middle Eastern brik pastry as the accompaniment.  I had fresh sourdough bread on hand as I had made a batch so instead sliced it very thinly.  This, I knew, would work.  The brik pastry (or in this case sourdough bread) sandwich with sage cheese and onion is delicious.  Crunchy, salty, sagey and yummy.

Lamb, I used backstrap (as called in NZ, here in Dubai it's referred to as loin).  Anyway, the prime back fillet of lamb.

It's a good dish.  I added a decent jus this time round as I found it lacking in that department last time I made it (sorry Mr Malouf).  It just did not seem complete without a sauce and worked better with.  Definitely an improvement too with the reduced white pepper element.

So I've made this twice now, once as per recipe, once with my own improvements.  I still don't think it's perfect so will leave it there.  I simply think the combination of spice is out.  The cheese pastry/bread is perfect, the rest not quite on point.  Every other dish I've cooked from my Greg Malouf book as been spot on so ...  dunno really...

Greg Malouf's lamb with pistachios and peppercorns

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