Saturday 21 September 2013

Parsley veloute with hamour and parmesan wafer

OK so this would be considered non bene in Italy I guess (although that's a bit of a mystery too because  some Italians are quite happy to eat cheese with fish, depending on their origin).  But this is French, right?  And the French along with the Spanish don't seem to have food "rules" like Italy which seems to be bounded by what is bene and what is not and varies from village to village, Nonna to Nonna.

Anyway I'm babbling.  Veloute is a lovely sauce, light and perfect for fish.  Parsley veloute is bright green and delicious.  Easy peasy, needs to be passed first though to get that lovely smooth seductive consistency.  Served with a beautifully cooked piece of fresh fish (in this case local UAE hamour) and that contentious Parmesan wafer and ... viola!  A perfectly balanced plate of light yumminess.  Oh and a black swirl of that addictive leek ash bonito nori emulsion which I simply cannot seem to get enough of right now.

Parsley veloute with hamour, Parmesan wafer and leek ash bonito nori emulsion

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