Friday 8 December 2017

Pork leg. With the luxury of Andy's touch.

So Andy was cooking tonight.  He made an incredible red wine sauce, he did pave of celeriac.  Celeriac and parsnip puree, smooth as silk.  Red cabbage with a little duck fat and pork reduction.  crispy parsnip.  Roasted chewy apple.  And then there's that pork.  An absolute delight.  Perfection.  3 euro worth of pork in total and at least the same amount we had is now in the fridge for something different over the next couple of days.  That's 1.50 for 2 people per night!  

Besides the price, what an incredible cut.  Andy understands cooking.  He made the best out of this cut.  Khalas (oops!).  

An extremely elegant dish. The flavours were SUBLIME.  I loved this dish and felt like I were in a beautiful restaurant as I'd had nothing to do with the prep, construction, clean up.  NOTHING!  This is a low cost cut of pork here in France. Not sure it even exists in NZ (why???? )  

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