Thursday 21 December 2017

Ostrich, onion, apple, romanesco, beetroot.....

 There appears to be an abundance of game in the shops over the Christmas season here.  Ostrich oddly, being one of them.  This is a subtle meat.  Far more subtle than say, venison or even duck.  It is sweet and mild and needs minimal cooking.    As with all dark meats some sweet sour element is necessary for balance (as it is for every single dish in fact).  Along with the sour roast apple and sweet onion puree, the romanesco cauliflour, the beetroot.  My personal improvement on this would be a jus.  To balance things out and pop in some fatty meaty flavour as a sauce.  Then we'd be talking because this dish deserved a damn fine sauce to bring everything together.  It was good.  I could have been great.  

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