Wednesday 6 December 2017

Naan bread (home made) tandoori chicken (home made) with tandoor roasted carrots and gem lettuce

We love (good) Indian food.  We love (good) French.  We love (good) Thai, (good) Italian, (good) Spanish, (good) Vietnamese, (good) Japanese. We love (good) English.  (good) Moroccan.  (good) Middle Eastern.  We absolutely love it all.  But Indian, we have a very very soft spot for because we had access to the most incredible Indian food in Dubai for 9 years.  And we were able to get proper Tandoori Chicken from the supermarket FFS.  Seriously fresh out of the tandoor oven chicken.  It was a luxury I never ever took for granted.  We miss that.  So I made naan. And I made tandoori chicken.  And it was absolutely scrum.   I brought over a basket of essential hard to get spices and I've sourced a person here in France who sends by mail the most amazing spices at very good prices.  My Indian cooking can continue.  Whew.  

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