Tuesday 17 January 2017


Turin.  What a delight.  We stayed at the Residenzia dell Opera.  It was as it appeared.  An elegant small hotel? No, not quite.  Better.  Small, intimate and no restaurant. A bed and breakfast? No, not that either but a beautiful small boutique place to stay in the heart of Turin and Katya had her own room of course.  Rather a large one at that.  In fact the 3 of us had a wing to ourselves.  It was the most perfect of spots for the 3 of us. 

We had an entry code from the street and felt like we were staying in our own gorgoues apartment in this city and what a striking city it is.  I'd researched Turin extensively in the past.  But there was never anywhere to stay that appealed.  This place is newly opened. 

Besides that though, Turin has a name primarily (outside of chocolate) associated with the Fiat industry, an industrial town.  Well, I dunno about that.  All I know is that it's one of those places I sort of think that is kept to itself for good reason.

We've been to many in the past.  Usually in Spain.  Places that just, well, don't  really sell themselves.  But often we've put it down to purpose.  They don't really want the western tourists there.  Turin is one such town.  It is absolutely gorgeous.  Beautifully maintained and restored.  Fashionable shops.  Winter lighting.  It is stunning.  I don't say it lightly. Completely overlooked but maybe as I said theres a logic with that.  Who want's brash tourists walking though your beautiful elegant understated city? 

We ate well in Turin.  I had my heart set on finally going into a grand cafe and had studied a few.  No they're just old and tired.  There's a reason we haven't been into one in the past.  But first morning brekkie we found a good library cafe with hot chocolate that has to be seen to be believed.  I didn't take a photo.  It was, however, the eat with the spoon variety of Turin hot chocolate.  Thick.  Not possible to drink out of the cup. Katya, being a delicate young lady, had almost half.  No not quite actually from memory.

We had gelato.  The good stuff.  Again Katya whimped out from finishing hers.  Andy and I had dark chocolate so dark it stuck to the gums.  YUM.  One of the best we've had ever and we seek dark chocolate gelato like intrepid people might do with far more at stake but we see dark chocolate gelato as a serious matter.  Katya had chestnut.  The candied variety we tried for the first time on NYE.  Gorgeously caramel and rather lush.

We had pasta.  The good stuff.   Thin, delicate, hand made, containing in a ravioli the most suitable of fillings, in a sauce the right amount.  Not too much.  Not drowning.  Just clinging.

And then there's the grissini bread sticks.  The best are made with 000 flour and  finally dusted with semolina.  They originated in this region of Italy.  I didn't realise that but attests to the fact we had the best grissini we've had in Italy during our 2 days in Turin. 

Our final morning we found the best little coffee / pastry place literally around the corner from our residence.  Marmalade croissants (i.e. croissants filled with jam), cappuccino and a cannoli each to go.  The coffee was served with a little glass of sparkling chilled water.  Just to refresh the palate.  Without the cannoli it would have cost 7euro (for the 3 of us), with the cannoli as they are so time consuming it make, it cost 11 euro in total.  I'd return to Turin in a heartbeat.  Love this city.

My first selfie.  Katya, don't LAUGH!!!  I'M TRYING!!!  Hate the bloody things/expression but this served purpose.

THE hot chocolate

Our final night in a really great little restaurant.  

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