Tuesday 17 January 2017


We were contemplating driving all the way to Signeville after my fall but decided I was good enough to go to Mulhouse in the Alsace as planned.  Anyway, we had the night booked and payed for and it is on the way, breaking up an otherwise very long drive.

The drive from northern Italy to Mulhouse is through Switzerland.  Right through from south to north west. 

We stopped off at Locarno just north of the Italian boarder.  It is Switzerland but looks very Italian.  They spean Italian not German there.  A cute little town.  A German accosted us asking us in Deutsch (then reverting to English) if we live in Wiesbaden.  Our rental car had a teeny weeny sticker on the number plate stating Hesse.  So depserate was he to speak German whilst in Switzerland (German is the most common language spoken in Switzerland) he had to try with the only people driving a German car in Locarno that day who happened to be Kiwis.  Poor chap. 

After Locarno, we headed to Lucerne.  A picturesque town on Lake Lucerne.  Snow was everywhere and it was a gorgous sight but we kept moving.  Just drove through. 

Just above Lucerne we found a teeny weeny little town for lunch.  A gorgoues (but bloody expensive) wee spot.   I couldn't eat yet.  Even all the cake at breakfast didn't make me eat and I LOVE CAKE!!!.  My mouth too sore.  But we enjoyed our sit in the cute candle lit place and I had a big mug of apple cidar to make me feel better and it did.

The roads were snowy by this stage.  The scenery pretty and the drive easy.  Or maybe that was the cidar making things seem that way by that stage, not sure.

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