Monday 16 January 2017

And on to Europe - Metz first up

And so to Europe.  We left Dubai at 0320am 28 Dec and arrived Frankfurt around 0730am.  Picked up the car and viola....

It's around 4hrs from Frankfurt airport to Signeville.  We stopped off at Metz.  This is (according to Poppa) where his side of the family might have originated.  Andy and I have been before but a heck of a long time ago now. 

It was in Christmas market bloom still and the cathedral is stunning.  Not a bad first glimpse at Europe.  We bought crepes for lunch.  They were only OK unfortunately.  Had better that's for sure but we did like the mulled wine.  A very delicious way to warm up and a pick me up after an all nighter.

I had spent rather a lot of time planning this trip.  I was a teeny bit stressed that this was the one trip I'd stuff up in the planning after doing dozens over the years.  But nah, it was good. 

Yes!  I look rather like a snow ball.  But I feel the cold a little more than Katya.

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