Tuesday 17 January 2017

Mulhouse, Alsace France

I had once again booked a bed and breakfast in Mulhouse, this one was Peonia at home

It is about 10 minutes walk from the centre, just over the bridge in a vast and stunning villa. 

This is the one place in the trip I didn't check out the layout of room and went with a 2 bedroom 'family room'.  Thinking if it is really small it's only for one night.  As it happened we were the only guests.  They gave us our own rooms and it's a good thing.  The family room was small.  Well Katya's little bedroom was and the shared bathroom TINY.  Whew.

As it turned out this is a sensational place (as long as you're not in the family room with anything other than a baby or toddler).    As I said, we had a shared lounge for the 3 of us exclusively which we did not have time to use.  The breakfast was downstairs in the living area/kitchen complete with grand piano and objects of art.  Art was everywhere. 

Mulhouse is in the centre of the Alsace region.  More German ruled than French over the ages, it's hard to remember one is in France except for the language and signs.  The food is Germanic, the buildings are Germanic and it just has a German feel.  I love the Alsace region.  Some of the best rieslings and pinot gris in the world come from this part of France and the towns are picture perfect gorgeous.  

We went out into the snow for a wander through dark deserted Mulhouse before dinner.  When I say it was deserted I mean it.  Sunday night in Mulhouse in January.  Nobody. But it was very beautiful, all lit and snowy.  We found a good (and rather busy) casual restaurant.  Had a decent tarte flambe each and dossed down in our lovely bnb.

These people are monied.  And generous.  The hostess who I did not know the name of was incredible.  Her cooking beyond reproach.  The sheer generosity of the breakfast the next morning utterly gobsmacking. 

Home made jams, cakes and panetone.  The standout for me was the pinot noir jam.  Complete with pips.  Unreal.  I am going to make some when I stumble across some pinot noir grapes in France sometime which I will.  They sell that stuff there.  I was managing to eat cake.  And tarte flambe the night before.  Two of my favourites.  Whew!

Communal living area for the 3 of us

Our room.  K's was across the communal lounge

An exquisite beauty

View from our communal living area

Outside our villa bnb

Breakfast for 3!!

Living / breakfast room

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