Tuesday 17 January 2017


Milano.  A rather fashionable city.  

And as it happened an easy drive from Turin.  You should have seen her face when me and Andy said how bout popping into Milan tomorrow. 

By gosh, what a perk up from an already perked up look!

We found an astonishly good car park which took us though side streets appearing so beautiful they could charge many euro to walk through.  Milan was thronging.  Whether because it was a Saturday, whether due to the Christmas markets in force, the end of the Italian school holidays?  Not sure, but it was busy.  For mid winter that is.  Let's face it, it's Milan.  It's always busy.

It turned it on for us too.  The most sublime of days setting that cathedral off in all it's ethereal beauty against that blue backdroped named sky.  A famous city for reason.    

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