Monday 16 January 2017

Dubai after day one....

Night time at Dubai Marina.  The Dubai Marina Music Festival (yay) was on. Andy and I were bloody knackered.  No sleep.  Katya sleeps the sleep of the dead bless her.  Her alarm would wake US up (if we were asleep that is)..... oh if only.  

I simply love this photo.  In live mode it's even more awesome.  But the still will have to do.  She sucked it up so that I could at least take some.  (she hated it but I reckon it's awesome to have a record forever in whatever cloud this stuff lives on.  I'm very high tech don't you know.  

So onwards to the Dubai Creek.  She HATED having every single pashmina and scarf plonked round her neck.  It took her all of 2 minutes to dart off in defence mode.  Very proud I was indeed.  I hate that too. But they loved her there.  Gotta say.

Madinat Jumeriah was the next port of call..... and what a dress.  Rather showed Andy and I up in our sloppy slops.

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