Monday 16 January 2017

Katya's trip, day one.....

We had the luxury of spending almost 5 weeks with Katya.  And what an incredible 5 weeks it was.  So I'm going to do a series of posts for my own reference.    

I'm not saying that Juanitz was concerned about her 16 year old flying across the globe but she did send me this screen shot of "here she is" (yes K as you'd agree I can use the "" on this one).  She is of course the little red plane south of Singapore.

I had her room ready with a cute camel I bought her.  Little camel was her family support.  She had FaceTime.  The camel was my idea of support.  I'm absolutely nuts that way as she'll fully attest to.

Oh if only I looked this good ever......and she's just stepped of an 18 hour flight!  

First morning,  (she arrived at 5am, still looking good hours later.  Oh to be young) we went to the beach for a walk.  Yeap it's Muslim here but very accepting.  Christmas is Christmas after all .....

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