Tuesday 17 January 2017


Now on to Como.  Lake Como.  You know the one.  George Clooney and all.  For lunch.  As you do.

I wish we'd taken photos of our lunch.  We took this one below of us sitting outside for about 10 minutes waiting for a table (we nearly gave up and glad we didn't.  It was a damn good restaurant inside and Katya in particular had the most gorgeous pasta dish.  Paccheri pasta with yellow and red tomato and burrata.  Looked unreal.  

This photo above is so cute in live.  She does this little jump to get into position.  

Yeah we didn't take that many photos.  Not sure why.  It was a gorgeous afternoon.  The place was PACKED.  Didn't expect that.  I thought the Italian lakes were deserted in winter.  Not this Saturday in January that's for sure.  No tourists from outside of Italy (other than us and as all pig headed tourists we don't class ourselves as such) so it had a nice vibe.  

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