Wednesday 16 September 2020

Our dinner tonight

I took the day off running and we went into the big smoke (Chaumont).  The reason was for Andy to get a blood test.  He went 1 week prior at 0900am to only find a huge line of people not distancing themselves and I mean huge lines and then the diagnostic clinic itself was stuffed full. So, he came back home immediately. 

Today we went together and pitched up at 7.30am only to find the same huge fucking line of people not just out of the clinic but in the clinic also.  We did some research. France is using diagnostic clinics to check for COVID.  I mean WTF?????


Anyway, Andy did not go in.  We did a drive-by.  The same as he did the previous round.  


There is no way we are risking catching COVID for a simple blood test.  Geez, France!! What’s up?


We went to the gorgeous supermarket in Chaumont and sat outside the place until it opened at 08.00am.  

We bought Gilt head bream, sea bream, dorade.  Whatever you call it it’s a gorgeous fish

and it was so fresh.  As fresh as fish gets.  

We were going to eat outside, but then a storm hit so we sent everything to the cave.  We cooked the fish on the big pan Philippe gave us and Andy had pre-seasoned.   It was a delicous dinner and really cool, sitting in the cave with the storm outside.  



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