Tuesday 15 September 2020

Edible doormouses, in the house.

 Or is it edible doormice in the house?  Anyway.   We had some serious scratchings going on the past couple of weeks and it was becoming quite a distraction (to say the least). The majority of it seemed to be under the kitchen cupboards.  Behind the kickboards.  

The tipping point was last night.  Even with an unwell Nudge he still soldiered on and tried to get that beast (he got the tail and there was quite a bit of spattered blood).  I went down to check things out and it was the tail of an edible doormouse.  We know the look because we've had one before.  

I've gotta salute wee Nudge.  Even in his weakened state, he managed to say "fuck off edible doormouse".  

Poor Andy.  So I took myself off for a run this morning and Andy had to deal with the whole situation.  Which he did.  He found the hole, he plastered it up, he had to crawl around on his knees.   He had to take the fridge and dishwasher out and clean all the edible doormouse's pooh and he also at the same time used the opportunity to run a cable and put an extra 3 electrical sockets in.  I've been wanting an extra socket on the left-hand side of our bench top for ages.  He's so clever.    

Summery - doormouse is out of the house.  I have the extra socket I've been after.  Andy has a sore back.  Nudge is not well but tried to stand up to the doormouse despite his sickness.  We pulled through.  (well all I did was mop the floor and clean the kitchen.  The boys did the rest).  Whew!

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