Sunday 7 May 2017


So on to Strasbourg.  I’d booked a really fab little place right in the centre on Kleber square called The Point, Strasbourg It is prime position in a very very old.  A renovated half timbered building and there were stairs.  I knew about the stairs but didn’t quite realise they’d be so steep!  Thankfully we came with just small overnight bags.  Bugger carting big suitcases up these things!  And a public loo (maybe) would be the go rather than popping back if in need.

We had a rather awkward car park experience but we finally worked it out.  The young woman (Julie) managing this little gem was a marvel and would do anything she could to help.  Again, the weather was superb.  We had booked at Tim and Sandra’s recommendation of Winstub Le Clou just round the corner.  Their top recommendation was Maison Kammerzell but I decided to go full on traditional.  Maison Kammerzell though is so beautiful, in one of the most stunning old buildings.  Next time..

After settling into our respective very cool pads we went for a wander and a wine/beer while Joey and I did a spot of shopping in a very cute little shop which happened to be just opposite the place we were having a drink so we could take our time while the lads partook in liquid refreshments and us gals joined ... of course! It was Joey's idea BTW but we did get sidetracked with the shop opposite.

Gotta say  for the evening dinns I was a little dubious about Winstub Le Clou, I’d seen the photos on tripadvisor of the food and knew it was going to be big.  And it was.  Huge!  I could just imagine Tim sitting there absolutely loving it.  Very cosy, very simple, wine by the jug etc which is always awesome and they did very good saurkraut.  But by god, HUGE food.  A little scary in honesty!  We had such a neat night.  Joey ordered the pig knuckle.  She was so cute!  Never in her life would have she have ordered a dish like that and it was divine, I had a taste.  Dad ordered the house specialty of everything, Andy had a lovely piece of meat and a ton of fried spuds.  Yeap was a great night.  I’m glad we didn’t get a 3 course meal option because one course was plenty.  Thanks Timmy and Sandra, a great recomendation for a memorable evening in Strasbourg.

After dinner, wandering around the city, with the beautiful lights and purple sky flickering with stars, seeing Joey a bit tipsy having fun.  That was cool.  Andy and I walked to the Cathedral to see it at night.  A spectacular sight and yes T&S, I can just imagine how the atmosphere would be at midnight mass on Christmas Eve. 

The next day I managed to go for a run without getting lost and then we went for a wader for brekkie and to Petite France, our favourite part of the city.  Again, very few tourists, great weather and a huge contrast to when we were there last summer when the whole place was PACKED.  A joy of an overnight trip from Sig.

So after our brekkie and a rather massive effort to get out of the carpark we’d made a massive effort to get into (Julie the manager of the wee inn lead us into a different entrance, therefore a different section of the car park and for the life of all 4 of us (including Andy the go to guy in such matters) we COULDN’T FIND THE BLOODY CAR!!.  But as things do, it all came right in the end and created more memories because I have the belief that the not perfect experiences can be the best (as long as it’s all not perfect then it’s just plain shitty but that doesn’t happen on my watch.  Well, never say never but not so far).

A man with protein!!!

A woman slightly scared!!

Joey's going to give it a go, a woman with a mission

Tim, you'd be proud, that's dad done!

A cool threesome.  Can't explain how awesome it was.

A gorgeous couple

We had a lovely wander in the square outside our accommodation after dinner

Strasbourg cathedral at night

Andy pondering 'stuff'

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