Saturday 6 May 2017


We arrived in Frankfurt at around 1330.  Get the car, set the GPS and off.  Around a 4 hour drive to Sig. 

It’s an OK drive from the German side and it’s our preference even though Paris is closer and Zurich is the same as Frankfurt.  But the cars are cheaper, the roads are free and we like Frankfurt airport (CDG, WTF??).

On arrival in little Sig it was so so so neat!  I did not realise how much it’d mean to me personally showing our wee spot to Joey and dad.  It was just so awesome.  They completely got it from day zero.  They LOVED it.  Yay yay yay.  We were so happy that they loved it so much.

The little house was good for the four of us.  It worked really well.  Every morning they went on a big walk to the village below us and got to know all the neighbours while not speaking the same lingo.  The farmer’s father in particular is a very exuberant chap and he loved chatting away while they were on their walk (he feeds the cows down the road in the mornings and so they were sort of sitting ducks for his enthusiasm, he’s such a hard case.  Thinks if he speaks louder in French it becomes clearer.   He will miss them!). 

The first many days were so warm.  Unseasonally in mid 20s during the day so we ate outside for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  The final days were cold so we ate inside for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  That was neat too because we had the fire and I love our cozy house with it’s flickering fire. 

Our time in Sig together was the best of the best.  They got to meet all of our neighbours.  We even had champagne at Philippe and Francoise house (over the road from our house).  The chateau owner was in residence and popped in to say hello. 

I don’t know where the time went, it just zipped by so fast.  The work we did on the house together is something Andy and I will remember forever and we will always know that dad chopped down those trees (20 or so of them!!) so that our view was better.  They were dead and looked drab.  We will forever know that Joey and I planted those bulbs (bonne chance little bulbs!) and the flowers (bonne chance little flowers!) and did the weed matting all by ourselves!!  And I will always remember watching Andy and dad, working togther for hours outside on various jobs.  Quietly getting on with it, doing their own bit and seeing the quiet respect they have for each other.  Yeah it was pretty damn cool. 

In the old house

Enjoying an evening fire

Looking out of their window in the morning

The boys with the fire

About to go for our walk/run (it's cold and I need to get going to get warm!!)

At the local big smoke, Chaumont

Love this photo

Making stuff

Our cherry blossom tree was fully in blossom and our little house was like a flower show!  Gorgeous

Making stuff (sourdough bread)

The barn next to the old house

Joey hanging out in Sig


Brekkie and an awesome flat white

Duck breast with red wine sauce, celeriac and roasted white asparagus

Post dinner pondering

Scrabble late into the night

I know!  Looks like one big sausage (two for the blokes) but they were very very scrum hand made smoked Alsatian jobs.    More delicious than it looks trust me!!

Our little house looking cosy

If you look closely you can see my precious things in the cabinet

Our farmer neighbour delivering some dirt for our garden.  He has many tractors and is rather good at manoeuvring them thankfully!

I found a nest in the garden (empty) and it was so cute with easter eggs in it.

Our lawnmower!!!

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