Saturday 6 May 2017

My mum and dad in Dubai

March 28, 2017 at around 0530am they arrived looking very dapper indeed.  After a 17 hour flight!  They’ve been before of course but this time was different.  We were heading off to Europe together and ... well that’s pretty damn neat.

We had a few awesome days before and after our departure to France.  Not many photos alas, but we had some lovely meals overlooking the marina.  I had a sore foot as did Andy so Joey and Wo did their own thing in the mornings around the marina.    What fit things these two are.  I’m so proud of my Joey and dad....they are pretty damn awesome. 

Actually, other than doing morning exercise routines, wanders to the shops and occasionally the beach, Joey and dad going to the creek on the ferry and back we absolutely did naff all in Dubs.  That was the joy, just hanging out.  No tourist stuff, just us being us which is the best way to catch up – to live.  And in Dubai we did just that.

Fresh off the plane, looking amazing
Chewing the fat

Ferry to Dubai creek

I love this photo of Joey

Walking to the beach

Me and dad coming back from the beach

OK totally out of order but .... the night we came home from France.  Having a snack before beddie.

My dad making his famous date scones

About to be popped in the oven.  They were DELICIOUS. He has the touch.

We're on the wine, the boys on the coke/cranberry juice

Us cooking together.  Was really neat doing that.

Hanging our new picture ... dad found a painting of Signeville on the internet and Andy made it into a picture for our wall.  

Joey finishing the salmon- carefully putting the marinade on the flesh side

The salmon dish Joey and I made.  A Vineet Bhatia recipe sort of, with my modifications.  Goan spiced salmon with spiced pannacotta  and raw lentil salad

 Being a bit silly.  Our apartment is behind us

Me and my dad

Me and my Joey

Dad hanging out at the local

Joey making pasta for our ravioli last dinner

Our final dinner - pumpkin ravioli with sage burnt butter sauce.  (There was entree and dessert too)

A gorgeous note for us

And off they go

It was a pinch me time, we loved it beyond words

There they are, nearly back in NZ.  An extraordinary time.

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