Sunday 7 May 2017


So I did get things a little out of order (oops).  On the following Saturday before Easter day we set off for our next overnight stop – Chablis.  On the way to Chablis we went to Troyes, so Troyes you sit just before this post. 

Andy and I have been to this little BnB in Chablis before, for his 60th birthday in November and we went to the same restaurant as I’d booked for the 4 of us too.  Au Fil du Zinc.  A fabulous bnb and gorgeous place to eat.  All in all a lovely spot for a night out.  Being Saturday night meant Sunday morning in Chablis, ie the Sunday market.  I was not sure at all it’d be on – Easter Sunday et al...

Fabulous town, lovely place to stay, gorgeous restaurant (again).  I went for a good run too the next morning, I sussed it out on google earth and it was a perfect start to my day.  Then after a brekkie of home made jams, crossants, butter and bread we went to the market.  We bought (amonst other things ie cheeses, candied oranges etc) fresh black pudding.  They were making it there on the spot and we decided to buy some because we’d been meaning to get some good quality blood sausage. 

We took it home for lunch and it was DIVINE.  Absolutely scrumptious.  Soft and yielding, heated through it was like pate of the best type.  Next time Chablis I’m going back to your black pudding section of the market!

The photos below are out of order but all in Chablis.  At the restaurant, at our BnB before dinner, wandering to dinner, in the market the next day etc....

A bloody neat night.  

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