Wednesday 10 May 2017

Black risotto, scallops, prawns, cauliflower and fennel

Doing a bit of a squid ink theme at the moment because I bought some last time in France (from an Italian place we went to in Dijon for lunch with mum and dad.  They don't really use it in French cooking).  I made a stock with the prawn heads and a hefty amount of saffron and pastis.  The fennel was braised in pastis until soft.  Cauliflower grilled.  The risotto was made with black Italian rice, adding the prawn stock and squid ink resulted in a glossy immensely gorgeous risotto.  The prawn bodies were cooked last minute, scallops were perfectly caramelised care of Andy and a little burnt butter was poured over the top at the end to finish.  The only thing I would change next time is just use prawns not scallops because the scallops, whilst delicious of course were a little lost with the rest of the flavours and they are expensive so it's better to serve them simply.  This was a gorgeous risotto.  Glossy, rich with prawn and anise flavours and as black as it gets.   

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