Tuesday 1 October 2013

Confit salmon with passionfruit sauce

I had a stunning piece of salmon and wanted to preserve it's colour and texture as much as poss...the way I knew to do this was confit at just below 40 deg C for about 10 minutes.  I cured it first for 2 hours in some orange juice, orange rind and salt (in the fridge) then rinsed it and dried it.  I used duck fat for the confit but have had just as successful results in the past using olive oil.

I had never tried passionfruit with salmon before but had seen reference to it.  I blitzed the pulp and strained it then sweated a little garlic, added the passionfruit, salt, a touch of vinegar and honey.  Brought it to a sauce consistency, added some butter at the end and strained it again.  The result was a lovely balance of acidity and sweetness.  Not overwhelmingly "passionfruit" in flavour, more a lovely sharp sauce to complement the salmon.

A little beetroot puree, parsnip, mustard cress and fennel.  A lovely light delicious meal.

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