Sunday 20 October 2013

Scallop Vineet Bhatia style with coconut panacotta...

I have created this superb dish by Vineet Bhatia using lobster in the past and, as per his recipe  "Rasoi, New Indian Kitchen" cookbook, this is a gateway to beautifully balanced, light and modern Indian cuisine.

I was after the beautiful Omani Lobster which has represented itself with aploumb in the past when I have cooked this dish.  However, the local scallop was so so SO fresh it seemed a crime to not buy it.

This technique of a sweet, almost jammy marinade using the base of tomato (heinz) ketchup juxtaposing a coconut vinegar based marinade (split between the two portions) is sublime.  With a Thai flavored panacotta, really I could  bang on about this beautiful dish forever-  Vineet Bhatia is GIFTED.   Truly.  Without his "Rasoi, New Indian Kitchen"  book I would not have learnt the French techniques that have become common place in my cooking repertoire.  To apply these to Indian cooking....well, I don't know, it's just genius.

Indego by Vineet, Grosvenor House Hotel Dubai, is our local - in actuality this is the closest licensed restaurant to my home in Dubai.  I have visited Indego four, maybe five times however Indego has been increasingly disappointing. My own frequency would have been more common place if the dishes matched the refined elegance which to my admittedly limited knowledge of Indian cuisine bestowed.

Chef Bhatia's creations in his beaufully serviced restaurant should be gobsmackingly (OK, I will settle for pretty bloody good, being a Kiwi and all... ) perfect.   No, there is something wrong with this picture.  I implore Chef Bhatia to engage a study and get his kitchen up to his Rasio cookbook standard  which I assume represents his  Rasio London standard.  It is seriously disappointing when one cannot order a dish which represents the refined modern Indian cuisine that is detailed in his beautiful book and which I can recreate at home.

On that note, the direction in this book unsurpassed.  The sheer attention to detail, portioning, explanation of the taste profile in the final dish.  By god Mr Bhatia, you are gifted.  Not confined to your extraordinary understanding of the subtle use of spice.  Your guidance with technique and explanation of are indeed an incredible orator in your written language.  Thank you!

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