Friday 4 October 2013

Cured grilled salmon with corn yellow capsicum sauce

By curing salmon lightly you are able to impart a soft flavour while firming up the flesh and drying the skin.  It's a great method if you want a really crispy skin with little cooking under the grill.  This means you have no frying pan, no kitchen smells, just pop it on some foil, salted with skin side up and grill it for a couple of minutes.

I cure usually in orange juice, orange zest and salt.  For a 150gm portion of salmon I put it in the fridge in this mix for two hours, take it out, wash off the cure and dry it.

Lightly salting the skin, no oil is necessary, then under the grill as above.

This step is not necessary of course, you can just grill or cook it any which way you please.  This is a super simple midweek dish, light and delicious.

For the sauce I cook some yellow capsicum (I put in in the microwave in a dish, skin on) and cook a some sweetcorn kernels.  Blitz together with a touch of water, salt, sugar, cayenne pepper and lemon juice to taste then heat it up just before serving under the salmon.

Trust me this is more than the sum of it's parts and takes all of 10 minutes in prep time.

Grilled salmon, yellow capsicum and corn sauce with asparagus.

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