Sunday 13 October 2013

Iberico bellota, green capsicum jelly, turnip and beetroot crisp

When we were in Pamplona early this year we ate breakfast that served up gorgeous bread with chargrilled green capsicum and Iberico Bellota ham.  Nothing else was in that sandwich but by god it was good.  Spain has a way of understanding flavours and textures that simply don't exist in a traditional sense in the rest of Europe and the land Down Under (referencing to Auckland so no layabout when it comes to food and yes, I include you, Australia!).  I mean, who would think of pairing the bitter pungency of charred green capsicum with the most sublime ham in the world and it to hold it's own?  It does.  I partnered it with some dry roasted beetroot and turnip to give this entree a textural element as it didn't have the crunchy sourdough bread that would be served in Pamplona.

Green capsicum jelly, Iberico Bellota ham, crunchy turnip and beetroot

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