Monday 28 October 2013

King fish with red wine sauce, chickpeas, tomatoes, broad beans and fennel

I have been watching "The Very Hungry Frenchman" which is Raymond Blanc touring France and cooking dishes inspired from the region in which he is spending time.

This dish is inspired from his travels to the south of France.  I love France.  Mr Blanc's television series evokes memories for me.  I've been everywhere he showcases and have taken a great interest in the local cooking.  I have to admit to being completely seduced with French food and technique over the years.  The most fascinating thing for me was the use of fresh ingredients and very little fat.  An extremely light way of cooking which most people from .. say for example down under ( my reference point) think is a very heavy, butter and cream based cuisine.  So so SO very wrong.  In fact I find regional Italian cuisine extraordinarily heavy (regardless, let alone in comparison).

So, anyway taking a leaf out of Raymond Blanc's trip to France, this is a dish inspired by his time in Nice.  The essence of the Med nudging beautifully cooked fish.  Fennel and star anise bring out the most extraordinary flavours in fish.  The red wine reduction is soft and beguiling with it's complexity.

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