Sunday 2 January 2022

The chicken risotto....

 It might look odd in the photo, but it tasted unreal. In reality it looked beautiful with the colours and textures.  

Cabbage pesto is something I've made for ages now.  It's way back from a Jun Tanaka recipe.  This is the first time I've used red cabbage (I still think cabbage needs a rebrand with the name.  It just sounds so cabbagey for such an amazing veg).

Quickly cooked cabbage is sweet (whether red or white).  Parmesan is salty sweet and sour.  The two work together absolutely beautifully.

We had pavé d'affinois on the bottom of the bowls with little bits of left over chicken.  

With this incredible risotto with dried black trumpet mushrooms (trompette)  Topped off with the cabbage pesto.  Def wouldn't sell itself in a restaurant because, once again, cabbage needs rebranding.  It tasted de-fucking-licious.  

We like crispy bits with our risotto so we had crispy bread, lettuce cups, things to make it fun to eat rather than just wolf the whole thing down with a spoon in a nano second.  We like to take time to eat.  YUM.

I'm now wondering, what's for dinner?

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