Wednesday 5 January 2022

Red cabbage risotto.....

With red cabbage pesto on top.  Underneath was caramalised miso celeriac puree with aged Morbier cut into little bits so it melted when the hot celeriac puree was placed on top.  Then we had red cabbage risotto with parmesan.  A red cabbage pesto for freshness on top.  I know.  Sounds weird.  But with crispy charred flatbread for crunch.  Lettuce cups for crunch.  Fresh parmesan shavings on the table.  And that celeriac and cheese in the bottom of the bowl bringing everything together when you drag your spoon through.  Yum.  Seriously delicious. Simple and cheap (if you live in France) a dish, with these cheeses would cost a fortune anywhere else.  It wasn't a pretty dish.  But it tasted bloody amazing.  


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