Sunday 16 January 2022

Roasted cauliflour risotto with crispy sage and lots of cheese

We are so interested in where you can take risotto at the mo.  Tonight we did a cauliflower risotto, with little tiny shaved pieces of cauliflower added in the last few minutes.  Finished off with parmesan and very well aged gouda.  A parmesan and sage tuille. (This is the first time I've done that and it worked really well).  With a butter roasted piece of cauliflower.  Underneath the risotto was an extremely serious camembert topped with miso roasted cauliflower puree.  So, the camembert with all it's funky flavours melted.  Then you sort of drag that through to eat the the caramalised puree, risotto, crispy sage and parmesan tuille.  Freshness of baby gem lettuce and crispy bread.  Yum.  The photo doesn't do it justice.  At All.  


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