Wednesday 11 December 2013

Salmon with coconut curry sauce

This is taken from Vivek Singh's The Cinnamon Club cookbook.  Vivek uses kingfish and I had salmon.  I think any firm fish would be great here as would prawns or crayfish.  This is a sublime dish, the balance superb.  The fish is marinated in a sort of tandoori style marinade with yoghurt and therefore is unusual pairing it with a coconut sauce.  

The sauce is not heavy with coconut, the marinade fresh with lots of coriander and all together this just comes together in an incredible way with a clean light finish in the mouth.  I'll be making this one again, no doubt about it.  The base of the sauce is raw onion paste (i.e. ground raw onion and then cooked until golden).  This method is used in a few Indian dishes I've cooked to date and it always results in a rich deep flavour.

I served it simply with chopped tomatoes and Iranian flatbread.

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