Monday 28 November 2011

Restaurante La Terraza del Casino, Madrid, Spain

La Terraza del Casino is one of the most magnificent restaurants I've had the pleasure of seeing.  The building is absolutely exquisite.  The lift is an event in itself.  

The food was a little disappointing....  

The amuse bouche of (gosh I forget now what it was ) but some fresh cress type soup in a glass.  Perfectly balanced but things went a bit strange following that with a very odd tasteless cracker with a few sprigs of green and a tube from which you squeezed out what appeared to be congealed olive oil.  Actually pretty horrible stuff and the point completely eluded us.

I found the oxtail decadent and executed to the highest level (although too rich so I could only have a small part, my fault nothing to do with the dish).  The "chop suey with clam" was odd.  A very strange mix of vegetables sort of Chinese but missing the mark so I'm not sure what it was supposed to be, with a clam on top.  A strange combination of flavors that didn't appeal and certainly did not exemplify technique or ingredients.

The Scorpion fish was equally unimpressive.  I would have presented it better at home and certainly could have done a better job of the flavor combinations.  

I hate to say I was ridiculously disappointed by the dessert.  On paper it was going to be a delight, fruit based fresh ice creams - I was anticipating punchy flavors and subtle mix of textures.  The flavors ended out fairly bland.  Presented beautifully but falling short in the mouth... unfortunately we were both left feeling disappointed with the food (apart from that amazing oxtail).  There's better in Madrid but this place was worth going to for the occasion, the decor (and of course the oxtail!)

The building is awe inspiring

Service impeccable.

Dessert was a disappointment (especially for a sweet tooth like me)

Oxtail at it's best

Scorpion fish

An odd combination of stir fried vegetables and clam

A pointless exercise - tasteless solid oil squeezed from a tube over tasteless cracker and cress...the point eluded me.

A delicious and light amuse bouche

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