Sunday 27 November 2011

Giuggiulena Bed and Breakfast, Syracuse, Sicily, Italy

We stayed at Giuggiulena B & B in Syracuse for 5 nights at the end of August.  The weather could not have been better and the villa itself is perched on the cliff with direct access to the emerald sea below.  Access to the water is via the basement level so the ideal morning awaits (well my ideal morning, not everyone's I'm sure) of a run along the cliff tops where a cycle track has been carved out for kms, then a swim in the green blue sea and breakfast with no guilt!

The views from this villa are incredible and the beautiful town of Ortigia is a 15 minute walk away with loads of options for good restaurants.  Night time in Ortigia is like a jewel.  

View from breakfast terrace

...and from our room

The local market is a complete delight

I brought back 2kgs of sun dried tomatoes (9euros a kg) .. they are incredible

Views again to die for from the villa

A morning dip - shoes and goggles are provided (sea shoes are required due to the rocks but not a problem once you get past the shallow spot).

The villa's main common room.  We used the outside areas the most.

There's a great running track just up from the hotel that goes for about 7kms in 1 direction

Ortigia at night

If you've never sampled Sicilian hazelnut gelato you must, it's one of life's treasures.

The fish is as fresh as can be, off the boats that morning

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