Monday 28 November 2011


The L'Île de Beauté as it is known and it is immediately apparent why it is called the island of beauty when you first step foot on this stunning Mediterranean environmental work of art. 

The mountains soar, the cliffs drop into deep blue waters, the seasons make themselves identifiable with autumn hues, wild spring flowers, winter wonder and summer, the long languid days of Corsican summers.  From top to bottom it is a natural wonderment, from east to west diverse to the extreme.

Weather and light

Storms are furious but leave the land green and luscious
On the west lies Pianna’s red clay mountains that are so surreal it feels like a movie set, the east’s beaches of exquisite white sand, Cape Corse with it’s low lying shrub, wild flowers, lizards darting every which way and stunning blue sea, Bonifaccio a sight to behold and inexplicably stunning with shear rock faces dropping into that water set against the backdrop of the sky.  Corsica is like a country in an island, similar to New Zealand in that respect however smaller than NZ. 

Bonifaccio, stunning is an understatement
Corsicans are fiercely proud of their history and heritage and are Corsicans first and foremost, French second.   Signposts are still in the dual dialect of Corsican and French.  Wine production is on a vast scale and for mainly local consumption of such superb quality it’s clearly evident these people know how to live life very well.  The hams and cheeses rich with the flavour of the land. 

There is a walk in Corsica that we have done oh so many times but just keep going back to it.  A day walk of only about 4 hours in total to Cape Corse, which is so supremely pretty, it makes you feel happy being alive and able to move.  No amount of money could ever replace the feeling of walking and observing the natural beauty, the cows that always sit on the soft hey on one of the beaches the track traverses, the lizards every every everywhere, the swim in the waters just north of Macinaggio at the end, bone wary and enjoying a local Colomba (my personal favourite with a slightly lemon tang) and Pietra (chestnut) beers which signify the artesian brews and are like no others in taste. 

Lovely cow on the beach in Cape Corse

Cape Corse - wild flowers and sea

On our most recent visit to Corsica we stayed in Maison Borghetti Set in the beautiful quiet hill town of Talasani, northeastern Corsica, Maison Borghetti is simple and beautiful, welcoming and heart warming. Patrick and Brian (Kika the dog) have created a place of tranquillity, which feels like staying with family (family on a good day that is!). We are light sleepers but had to set our alarms to wake in the mornings, we seemed to slump into bed and just sleep. Heaven. 

The rooms - we had Chambre Vincent Lafon with a beautiful claw foot bath and separate shower, candles everywhere and an open fire in the winter - are decorated with the panache of Patrick who has thought out every corner and the eclectic antiques work together so well, a very gifted man as he does the relief / fresco paint work on the walls and ceilings as well as the cooking. 

Which brings me on to the cooking....breakfasts were perfect, good coffee (or tea I'm sure), fresh breads and home made preserves, quality ham and cheeses, home made berry compote with cereal and home made yoghurt made for the best start to the day. The evening meals hosted by Patrick and Brian were again superb. Each night was nothing short of fabulous. Hosting 4 nights per week in the summer months, meals are taken communally for those who choose this option (and an option I'd highly recommend). The food is great, fresh, light, local with the most sublime desserts (and lots of food - for those who want more there will never be a shortage here) all cooked by Patrick with love, care and skill. Presented family style so you can help yourselves but eaten together at a large table. A place for guests and hosts to mingle and chat. For the nights that the kitchen is closed the food at the local restaurants is good. I would particularly recommend the pizza restaurant at Moriani Plage which is an easy drive away.

The location of Maison Borghetti is awesome. You can go north, south, west - there's many options for great day trips. Beautiful beaches are within close reach. Patrick and Brian have a good set of maps and will give recommendations of where to go which have so far been spot on for us. 

And value???....ummmmm lets just say it's incredible value. The dinner evenings were 27.5E pp including aperitif, wine, food, digestive, coffee...yes you get my drift. To fully appreciate Maison Borghetti’s trance you should give yourself a treat and stay long enough to enable the state of complete relaxation to seep into your soul. 

Maison Borghetti is a charmer. Thank you Patrick and Brian, we will leave with warmth our hearts and the feeling of the world being a better place because of you in it and Corsica has stolen my heart each time I have been.

Maison Borghetti...what a charmer you are!

The local beach at Morani Plage .... good restaurants.

The gorgeous village of Talasani

Oter Epicure, Madrid, Spain

Otter Epicure restaurant was a few steps from our hotel (Unico) in Madrid and what a delight.  I have been converted to the humble polpo....served here simply (I think boiled first for tenderness) and grilled to charred perfection.  Sweet like lobster only better, richer more dense meat.  I wish I could buy this amazing ingredient here in Dubai.  So I shall have to just enjoy it in Spain and well Spain has become a bit of an addiction for me so I shall be back!  Whew!

The risotto was equally as perfectly executed as were all the other dishes we sampled.  Service good, this place is very busy for both lunch and dinner so reservations are absolutely essential.  The area around the restaurant is gorgeous.  High end shops, gorgeous pavements and boulevards, Madrid at it's best.


Restaurante La Terraza del Casino, Madrid, Spain

La Terraza del Casino is one of the most magnificent restaurants I've had the pleasure of seeing.  The building is absolutely exquisite.  The lift is an event in itself.  

The food was a little disappointing....  

The amuse bouche of (gosh I forget now what it was ) but some fresh cress type soup in a glass.  Perfectly balanced but things went a bit strange following that with a very odd tasteless cracker with a few sprigs of green and a tube from which you squeezed out what appeared to be congealed olive oil.  Actually pretty horrible stuff and the point completely eluded us.

I found the oxtail decadent and executed to the highest level (although too rich so I could only have a small part, my fault nothing to do with the dish).  The "chop suey with clam" was odd.  A very strange mix of vegetables sort of Chinese but missing the mark so I'm not sure what it was supposed to be, with a clam on top.  A strange combination of flavors that didn't appeal and certainly did not exemplify technique or ingredients.

The Scorpion fish was equally unimpressive.  I would have presented it better at home and certainly could have done a better job of the flavor combinations.  

I hate to say I was ridiculously disappointed by the dessert.  On paper it was going to be a delight, fruit based fresh ice creams - I was anticipating punchy flavors and subtle mix of textures.  The flavors ended out fairly bland.  Presented beautifully but falling short in the mouth... unfortunately we were both left feeling disappointed with the food (apart from that amazing oxtail).  There's better in Madrid but this place was worth going to for the occasion, the decor (and of course the oxtail!)

The building is awe inspiring

Service impeccable.

Dessert was a disappointment (especially for a sweet tooth like me)

Oxtail at it's best

Scorpion fish

An odd combination of stir fried vegetables and clam

A pointless exercise - tasteless solid oil squeezed from a tube over tasteless cracker and cress...the point eluded me.

A delicious and light amuse bouche

Aria Hotel, Prague, Czech Republic.

Hotel Aria is the perfect choice for Prague hotels.  Located within 10 minutes walk of the Charles Bridge but close to the castle.  A well managed hotel with superb service in a glorious city. 

Christmas time here is a treat.  The Christmas markets in Prague are in full swing and the hotel is decorated with dignity.  Gorgeous hotel, fabulous restaurant, high standard of breakfast.  Superb.

Chateau Lavergne Dulong, Bordeaux, France

Chateau Lavergne Dulong sits in a working Chateau and is run seamlessly by Sylvie Dulong.  Madame Dulong took over the running of the Chateau in 2008 from her father.  She renovated the rooms and turned this beautiful Chateau into a charming guesthouse with 4 guest bedrooms.  

Our room was large, around 65sqm and a lovely mix of modern and traditional.  My brother and sister in law had the room next door which was similar in size and also beautifully thought out, the decor and furnishings were second to none.  Bathrooms modern and bright. 

Madame Dulong serves evening meals on most nights.  Candles are lit, the food is restrained and local.  Fresh, tasty food of the region.  

The landscape of the surrounding land and villages is stunning in this part of France.  We were there in Autumn and the grape vines had a golden hue that blended with the landscape giving the whole area a glow that I personally found incredibly beautiful.  One of the most beautiful times of the year to see this area if the weather is good (as it was for us) because the yellow hues give an ethereal feel.

I will put some more photos up but I'm having difficulty locating them for some daft reason so I simply at this point in time am unable to do this place the justice it deserves!

Dimora Bolsone, Lake Garda, Italy

Perched high above lake Garda, Dimora Bolsone sits and observes with quiet dignity the beautiful lake below.  At night the lights twinkle and the opera from the open air summer concerts drift sweetly up the valley.   Sipping wine watching the flickering and listening to the vocals lulls you into a trance which you take on for the duration of your time here.   

Breakfasts on the patio are a treat.  Aged parmesan with local honey, cured jamon and lemon are a hedonistic combination that I became addicted to.  Dessert of beautifully made apple cake from a family recipe or the most sublime of gelato - I ran up the hills every morning before breakfast so that I could enjoy at leisure with no guilt!  Such were the breakfast delights!!  

The local restaurant of Osteria Antico Borolo was our regular haunt - we ate there every night it was open.  

The villages around Garda are beautiful.  The lake is large and wide and it's one of the most popular places for kite surfing.  Watching it is quite something.  

Even in August Garda is not overrun with tourists.  It's a beautiful part of Italy of that there is no doubt.