Friday 9 September 2016

River trout with cauliflower

I have never filleted a trout before.  It was very sparklingly fresh and a gorgeous creature to look at.  I've only eaten fresh water trout once before from memory, many years ago in France.

They are tricky things to fillet.  This weighed about 1.1kgs and I'm very comfortable filleting fish but trout was different.  Such teeny weeny bones everywhere.  But by being patient and methodical I did a good job and left nothing on the skeleton which always pleases me.  There were no bones in our fillets either which I was rather chuffed about.

I did an entree of trout with pickled beetroot and a lemon yoghurt,  horseradish dressing.  Classic for a reason.  Delicious. (no photo, forgot!).

Main was crispy skinned trout fillets served with cauliflower puree, caramelised cauliflower (little florets of cauli sprinkled with some sugar and placed under a medium grill until the sugar melts), lightly pickled cauliflower florets and a beurre noisette with sage.  Yum.  Yum yum scrum.  The sweet caramelised cauliflower with the little pickled pieces along with the beautiful creamy puree and burnt butter lemon sage sauce worked so extraordinarily well with this lovely fish.

It's a quick cooking fish.  Very delicate.  Easy to cook, skin side down, hot pan but needs absolutely the tiniest amount of time.  Ours was perfect, translucent soft sweet flesh with lovely crispy skin but I can see it could be overcooked very easily.  It's far less forgiving than, say salmon.

Seasoned to within an inch of it's life so it tasted absolutely bang on, any more salt too much, any less and it wouldn't have had the impact.  Finishing beurre noisette with lemon juice is essential.  It allows the lovely nutty butter flavours to be fully present and clean.  I wasn't sure sage and trout would be friends but indeed they are.  This was a beautiful meal.

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