Monday 29 August 2016


Bloody hell, 48 already.  Where the heck did that time go?  Anyway for dins: 

Entree of smoked duck carpaccio with a beetroot, celeriac and fennel salad, a drizzle of truffle oil and lemon.  Simple and light.

Main of little duck fillets (the wee fillet attached to a duck breast that is sold separately in good shops here, ) and little rabbit fillets (the little piece from the loin again sold separately here when you can find them) wrapped in Iberico Belloa my favourite ham, served simply with celeriac puree and broad beans, with a sauce.  

I made joy bars for dessert and they were just divine!  Was fun and my first birthday in my little French house.  What a tosser I sound like.  Thank god nobody reads this blog.  

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