Friday 16 September 2016

Sourdough bread

My sourdough starter is now over 3 years old.  It's still going strong.  I plan to take a little bit to France next time and see how it goes with the lovely tap water and the triple O flour I buy there.  I think it'll behave differently and I'm intrigued.  But for now it's behaving very well in Dubai.  It's very satisfying making bread by using one's own starter and no yeast.  It sort of feels like I've made every part of it including the raising agent.  The crust is always chewy crispy.  The crumb is always bouncy.   The taste has that hint of sour.  All signs of bloody good bread and difficult to buy loaves like this in Dubai (without spending a fortune).  

I didn't know until I started researching over 3 years ago how common sourdough is in so many breads and pastries.  For example most croissants in Europe (the good ones) are made using a sourdough instead of yeast.  Bread is almost always sourdough when it's good quality stuff.  Oh how I love bread.  

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