Monday 12 September 2016

Eid Mubarak, Happy Barkid!

Eid Al-Adha is celebrated across the world this week.  Here in Dubai the public service workers get the week off and we have celebrations and fireworks every night.  Today is the special celebration day with families and friends meeting for the early morning prayers, sacrificing an animal for festivities tonight and enjoying time with their loved ones.

Tourists from neighbouring countries flood in and there is a lovely feeling of festivities in the (still extremely warm) air.  I love seeing the kids dressed up in their finest new clothes.  They wear gorgeous traditional dress and look adorable.  It's a very peaceful celebration, a far cry from the drunken parties that mark festivities in the west.

Our family is also having a little celebration.  Unfortunately Francine and Francois are in France but the Dubai boys celebrated regardless.  Eid Mubarak.

Our family celebrating Eid Al-Adha

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