Wednesday 14 September 2016

Trout with cauli again

 So yeap, I did a repeat version of my trout from a few nights back.  With cauliflower (caramelised, pickled and pureed) and beurre noisette with sage.  A few little bits of basil.

Dishes that have been really yum rarely have that wow factor a second time.  But this was still as delicious.  Different but as good no doubt about it.  I don't use a recipe so it will be different every time.  A bit more of this, a little less of that.  Dunno but different.  I liked this version better than the last and I bloody loved the last.  Yum.  It's just a delicious dinner and Katya I'll cook it for you if you are eating fish when you come.  I think you'll like it. xx

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