Sunday 30 August 2015

We have found ourselves in a great penthouse in Copenhagen.  A rather frustrating affair regards to unpacking as the cupboards were full due to the owners living here part time … but overcoming this, the living area and kitchen are stunning.  The location right on the river.  The penthouse has soaring ceilings with a loft feel and designed by the owner/designer/architect.  All very Danish mod and a taste profile we admire.

At 7pm after showering and doing the frustrating unpack it started to rain!!  So we decided to cook in with the ingredients we had on hand (making a proscuitto, tomato, cheese pizza).  Bloody delicious.  Lit the candles, put on some music, drank our duty free Chablis and Priorat and are looking forward to seeing Copenhagen by day tomorrow - hiring bikes.

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