Saturday 29 August 2015

The Atlanterhavsveien Route, Norway

We drove the Atlantic Road today, named Atlanterhavsveien in Norwegian.  

New Zealand is a beauty...undeniably beguiling in every sense and one becomes rather complacent thinking the rest of the world cannot possibly match the supreme hue differentials, clarity of air, rugged passes and faultless stunning elegance the environment in it’s most natural form has to offer us. Norway (and northern Spain, and alpine France and the Aosta Valley of Italy along with the Dolomites, oh yeah then there's Corsica the island of beauty as it's named for a reason.....) 

OK, so there are a few other gems in the world without even delving into detail. So where was I... yes we are blessed in NZ with great scenic beauty. Norway?  I would not previously have classed it in the same category if not higher.  I have studied this country inside and out for many months, in honesty many years (I’m a slow study in the sheer fact I enjoy the joy of it).  I have been intrigued with the food and the fjords, the seas and the seasons.  The cooking and sheer attention to casual gastronomy (my alliteration ends here!).  To say I am overwhelmed at this point is an understatement indeed.

And finally....just your typical coffee shop at the car ferry dock.

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