Tuesday 4 August 2020

Visa renewal day

Always stressful.  Wherever we’ve lived it's been stressful and here in France, we are on our own.  There is no ex-pat situation going on.

Given COVID we were additionally stressed.  The system had changed, we booked an appointment online.  Previously we just pitched up.  

My appointment was at 10.30am and Andy’s was at 11.30am.  There was an intermediary appointment from 11 -11.30.  So we thought Andy would have to wait in the car.

We decided to pitch up together just in case because they are so lovely in the Haute Marne.  Et viola!  We were accepted together, no waiting time at all, in fact, we arrived at 1025am and they took us both straight away.  We were out of there by 1043am with both renewals all sorted.  

They had the whole social distancing organised.  We went in the usual door and out a different door.  There was no waiting area as usual.  It was off limits.  Very very organised.  I was impressed, to say the least and it takes a lot to impress me right now during COVID.  Masks mandatory obviously.  

We celebrated with champagne, a lovely bottle of Bordeaux and a turkey rolled yum thing wrapped in pig fat we bought in the supermarket on the way home (50% off expiring today so it was 2,4euro).  With duck fat roasted onion, potato and home grown apple.  An onion puree, roasted home grown sage and a tomato and home grown basil and marche salad for freshness.  With charred flatbreads and caramalised onion puree.  

We love u France. 

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