Thursday 20 July 2017

Thai Salmon with gluttonous rice cakes and steamed buns

So... it’s been a teeny weeny bit of a stressful time of late and I’ve been using up freezer stores because I cannot be naffed cooking the full monty from scratch.

It actually means we are eating very well indeed.  Tonight, for example. 

Crispy sticky rice cakes (home made) with a camamalised Thai sauce (home made of course,  and this one took bloody hours to make, however it was a month or 2 ago so I can just enjoy the flavours without thinking of the sweat).  Salmon and home made steamed buns, once again from the freezer, because I had them.  Green peppercorns (that hit of spice from fresh green peppercorn is something to behold in life).....

Very very delish.  I kid you not.  I'd have been a happy customer in a good modern Thai restaurant that accepted a Chinese steamed bun on the side as, in essence, a Thai dish with stuff and, frankly, bring that stuff on... this was gorgeous.  

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