Thursday 13 July 2017

ANDY'S Passionfruit Souffle

So I bought some passionfruit today, randomly as you do (they were cheap) and said to Andy “ANDY, you should make passionfruit souffle for dessert!” And he did. 

I was thinking RECIPE.  He does things differently does Andy.  Likes to check options then put it all together using his ... well I guess you’d call it his brain.  The bugger.

Anyway I thought, if these turn out it’ll be a bloody miracle.  If not, a passionfruit custardy thing is good.  I didn’t care either way.  But they worked.  And hands down the best souffle I’ve eaten.  Ever.  And I’ve eaten a few. 

Dreamy is the only word.  I’ll leave it at that.  But he’s on souffle duty for life now.  

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