Friday 14 July 2017

Pasta - tomato, basil and burrata....

So.... Andy has some time on his hands.  He's doing a little cooking.  It's pretty cool.  The guy is sort a natural.  The results of his kitchen endeavours are so god damn tummy comfy.
Sooo... he made pasta.  Then incased de skinned cherry tomato into tortellini.  Yeap, that's rather cool. So then he cut pasta into fresh lasagne squares, to make an open lasagne.... yeap, that's rather cool.
But wait... there's more!! THEN he reduced a stock from smoked chicken bones I had left over ... hell yes, rather cool indeed.  AND, slow roasted tomato, cherry tomato and the the tomato skin.
The result?  Pasta.  Served with fresh burrata.  That meltingly creamy milky buffalo mozzarella that is so divine you just do not need to read about calories because it's too gorgeous.  A gift of life.  
And this dish Andy did?  With jamón ibérico, crispy cooked salami, basil, tomato skins but again that burrata melting through everything.... a highlight of my year so far food wise.  YUM.

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