Tuesday 5 August 2014

What to do with a whole duck…..

 I buy them occasionally when I have the inclination.  They are cheap at Lulu supermarket.  Around $15USD (50 AED) for a pretty big duck.  They come thawed from frozen.  It doesn’t affect the meat at all in my opinion.  It’s one of those few breeds that freeze well.

So a whole duck for two people does pose a little problem in regards to eating it.  This one had particularly large breasts.  Therefore half a duck breast as a main was sufficient. 


I had the bits and bobs (being the kidneys, liver and heart) for an entrée, I had the neck skin for another entrée, I had two breasts for two mains and two legs for a main PLUS all that carcass bone for stocks.

Oh not to forget the wings which I roasted off separately with some salt and we scoffed as a snack.  The skin and meat ends out chewy and gooey utterly delicious. 

The next few posts are … well lots of ways with one duck!

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