Thursday 31 July 2014

Indian with a twist

The basics of this dish are taken from my Rasio cookbook by Vineet Bhatia.  He serves it as a tasting dish - wild mushroom khichdi laced with truffle oil, makhni tomato ice-cream, roasted field mushrooms, fresh herb chutney.

I have served the dish previously as per the recipe and it was delicious.  This time however I decided to serve it with the addition of lamb backstrap and a duck egg ravioli.  

I KNOW!  Sounds a bit odd but seriously it was stunning.  I coated the lamb with freshly ground coriander, star anise, fennel seed and black pepper and cooked it to rare.  The addition of the duck egg ravioli with the cold spicy tomato ice-cream and rich mushroom khichdi was sublime.  

Textures, temperatures, beautifully balanced use of spice are typical of any of Mr Bhatia's dishes.  This however was absolutely transformed to a different level with the oozy yolk and spiced backstrap.  

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