Wednesday 20 August 2014

Kenyan pork fillet with roasted veg, freeze dried apple and red wine sauce

Kenyan pork is one of my favourite proteins I can buy here.  It seems to be scented with herbs somehow.....I'm not sure what those pigs eat but whatever their diet it certainly makes for a mouthwatering pork fillet - a cut that can be pretty blah.  It's also supremely tender.  I cook pork fillet to just under medium or just over medium rare.  I know, people are scared to eat it this way but it's the way you'll get it in most good restaurants and in Spain.  It really does lend to an incredibly textured meat properly rested.

Served this time with a simple red wine sauce (made with the trimmings, red wine, onion and port and passed)....over roasted parsnip for a chewy result, beetroot, properly charred leek and a few freeze dried apple pieces for taste and texture.  Delicious and rather simple considering the flavours and textures.

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