Saturday 16 August 2014

Cod with leek and potato sauce, bonito flakes and leek ash

This Heston Blumenthal recipe is one I've done before.  I changed it slightly this time round.  After making the sauce and passing it, I used the thick leftover which was like a leek mouse and added chopped cod from the trimmings.  When heating together before serving the cod is just cooked to which I added peas.  I popped this mix onto the centre of each plate, poured the passed sauce around and the cooked whole piece of cod on top.  The addition of leek ash gave the dish a kick if, well bitter I guess....which sounds gross but works very well here.  Leek ash gives a big toast note to any dish.  Bonito flakes were used in my fish stock and they are also fabulous as a garnish to give that lovely hint of smoke.  I topped the cod off with some deep fried onion pieces.

This, as a result, tasted like a luxury fish pie, with everything cooked to perfection.

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